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@INPROCEEDINGS{AB00, AUTHOR = {A. Bischoff and M. Gerke}, TITLE = {Fuzzy Collisions Avoidance Using Stereo-Vision}, BOOKTITLE = {6th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'00}, YEAR = 2000, MONTH = SEP, ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff00a_syroco_2000.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{AB04, AUTHOR = {A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {Virtual Reality Environment with Shared PC and Live Video Streaming for Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning}, BOOKTITLE = {21st ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education}, YEAR = 2004, MONTH = FEB, ADDRESS = {Hongkong}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff04b_icde2004_fuh_bischoff_seminar_final.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{AB04b, AUTHOR = {A. Bischoff and C. R{\"o}hrig}, TITLE = {Streaming Audio/Video and Multiuser Virtual Reality based Environment for Collaborative Remote Experimentation}, BOOKTITLE = {21st ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education}, YEAR = 2004, MONTH = FEB, ADDRESS = {Hongkong}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff04a_icde2004_fuh_bischoff_lab_final.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{AB05, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {{Kollaborative virtuelle Umgebung f{\"u}r Online-Praktika und Seminare}}, BOOKTITLE = {39. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium in Boppard}, YEAR = 2005, MONTH = FEB, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/fu_hagen_bischoff_boppard_2005.pdf} }
@INCOLLECTION{Bichoff0604, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {{Multiuser Mixed Reality Umgebung f{\"u}r Lehre, Community und ortsbezogene Anwendungen}}, ABSTRACT = {This paper presents an approach to a Web based multiuser virtual reality system for workshop-like events and remote experimentation. It addresses multi-user related problems like interaction, shared resources and location based services. The collaborative environment introduced here allows the usage of PDA based localisation to integrate local users into virtual 3d space. The remote Virtual environment is based on an open-source multi-user virtual reality client/server architecture, named DeepMatrix[5], which was implemented in the Java programming language. The components used are mainly based on web standards like VRML and Java. Localisation of local users was implemented with WLAN and GPS.}, BOOKTITLE = {1. GI/KuVS Fachgesp{\"a}ch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste}, YEAR = 2004, MONTH = JUN, ADDRESS = {Fachbereich Informatik, Postfach 940, D-58084 Hagen}, EDITOR = {J{\"o}rg Roth}, INSTITUTION = {FernUniversit{\"a}t in Hagen}, TYPE = {Informatik Berichte}, NUMBER = {317}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/bischoff_LBS.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bis04, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {Web based Collaboration System for Workshop-like Events}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of IADIS International Conference, Web Based Communities 2004}, YEAR = 2004, MONTH = APR, PUBLISHER = {IADIS Press}, ADDRESS = {Lisbon, Portugal}, PAGES = {335-340}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff04c_wbc2004_bischoff_fu-hagen_final.pdf}, ISBN = {972-98947-4-4} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bis04b, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {Bandwidth Saving Synchronous Collaboration Environment for Virtual Universities}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Virtual University 2004, Bratislava, Slovakia}, YEAR = 2004, MONTH = DEC, PAGES = {44-48}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/virtuni2004_final_paper_bratislava_bischoff.pdf}, ISBN = {80-227-2171-9} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{bischoff:icde01, AUTHOR = {A. Bischoff and C. R{\"o}hrig}, TITLE = {Remote Experimentation in a Collaborative Virtual Environment}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 20th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education}, YEAR = 2001, MONTH = APR, ADDRESS = {D{\"u}sseldorf, Germany}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff01a_icde2001.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{BU04, AUTHOR = {Ulrich Borgolte and Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {Distributed Collaborative Learning with Open Source Software}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 18th AAOU Annual Conference}, YEAR = 2004, MONTH = NOV, ADDRESS = {Shanghai, China}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/borgolte_AAOU_finalpaper2.pdf} }
@ARTICLE{entry-0, AUTHOR = {H. Hoyer and M. Gerke and C. R{\"o}hrig and A. Bischoff and I. Masar and I. Ivanov}, TITLE = {{Reale Systeme im 'virtuellen Labor'}}, JOURNAL = {AT Automatisierungstechnik 51}, VOLUME = {51}, YEAR = 2003, PAGES = {501-507}, MONTH = NOV, NUMBER = {11}, PUBLISHER = {Oldenbourg Verlag}, BOOKTITLE = {A{T} {A}utomatisierungstechnik 51}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Hoyer03d_AT2003.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{HH03, AUTHOR = {H. Hoyer and M. Gerke and I. Ivanov and I. Masar and C. R{\"o}hrig and A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {{Telematik in der Lehre, eine Br{\"u}ckenkranregelung und ein inverses Pendel als Online Experiment}}, BOOKTITLE = {GMA-Fachtagung: Telematik 2003}, YEAR = 2003, MONTH = JUN, ADDRESS = {Siegen, Deutschland}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Hoyer03b_telematik2003_fernuni_hagen_final.pdf}, JOURNAL = {GMA-Fachtagung: Telematik 2003} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{HMI04, AUTHOR = {H. Hoyer and M. Gerke and I. Masar and A. Bischoff and C. R{\"o}hrig}, TITLE = {A virtual laboratory for an inverted pendulum and crane control}, BOOKTITLE = {1st IFAC symposium on telematics applications in automation and robotics}, YEAR = {2004}, MONTH = JUN, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finnland}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Masar04a_TA04.pdf} }
@ARTICLE{Hoy04, AUTHOR = {H. Hoyer and A. Jochheim and C. Rohrig and A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {A Multiuser Virtual-Reality Environment for a Tele-Operated Laboratory}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Education}, VOLUME = {47}, YEAR = 2004, PAGES = {121- 126}, MONTH = FEB, NUMBER = {1}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Hoyer04a_01266759_veroeffentlichte_version.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{hoyer:ta01, AUTHOR = {H. Hoyer and A. Jochheim and C. R{\"o}hrig and A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {Multiuser Environment for a Teleoperated Laboratory}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1th IFAC Conference on Telematic Application in Automation and Robotics}, YEAR = 2001, MONTH = JUL, ADDRESS = {Weingarten, Germany}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Hoyer01a_ta_weingarten.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{IBCE2001, AUTHOR = {A. Bischoff and C. R{\"o}hrig}, TITLE = {A Multiuser Environment for Remote Experimentation in Control Education}, BOOKTITLE = {IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education}, YEAR = {2001}, MONTH = DEC, ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff01b_ibce2001.pdf}, JOURNAL = {IFAC} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{IM04, AUTHOR = {I. Mas{\'a}r and A. Bischoff and M. Gerke}, TITLE = {Remote Experimentation in Distance Education for Control Engineers}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Virtual University 2004, Bratislava, Slovakia}, YEAR = 2004, MONTH = DEC, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Masar04c_VU04.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{MCCA2003, AUTHOR = {H. Hoyer and M. Gerke and I. Masar and I. Ivanov and C. R{\"o}hrig and A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {Virtual laboratory for Real-Time Control of Inverted Pendulum/Gantry Crane}, BOOKTITLE = {11th Meditarranean Conference on Control and Automation MED'03}, YEAR = 2003, MONTH = JUN, ADDRESS = {Rhodos, Griechenland}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Hoyer03c_MED2003.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{hh0333, AUTHOR = {H. Hoyer, M. Gerke, A. Bischoff C. R{\"o}hrig I. Ivanov und I. Masar}, TITLE = {{Reale Systeme im 'Virtuellen Labor'}}, BOOKTITLE = {6. GMA-Kongress}, YEAR = {2003}, MONTH = JUN, ADDRESS = {Baden-Baden, Deutschland}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/hoyer03a_gma-kongress_2003-1.pdf} }
@INCOLLECTION{bis02222, AUTHOR = {A. Bischoff, C. R{\"o}hrig}, TITLE = {{Reale Systeme im virtuellen Labor, Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz von Remote-Praktikumsversuchen in der Lehre der FernUniversit{\"a}t Hagen}}, BOOKTITLE = {Referenzmodelle netzbasierten Lehrens und Lernens - virtuelle Komponenten der Pr{\"a}senzlehre}, PUBLISHER = {Waxmann Verlag Edition}, YEAR = {2002}, ADDRESS = {M{\"u}nster}, EDITOR = {Ulrike Rinn und Joachim Wedekind }, PAGES = {157-176}, INSTITUTION = {IWM T{\"u}bingen}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff02a_kevih_reale_systeme_im_virtuellen_labor.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Borgolte06b, AUTHOR = {U. Borgolte, A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {On the Efficiency of Online Seminars}, BOOKTITLE = {20th Asian Association of Open Universities Annual Conference (AAOU'06)}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = OCT, ADDRESS = {Kunming, China} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Borgolte06c, AUTHOR = {U. Borgolte, A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {Cost and Efficiency of New Technologies in ODL}, BOOKTITLE = {7th International Conference 'Virtual University' VU'06}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = DEC, ADDRESS = {Bratislava, Slovak Republic}, PAGES = {62-65}, ISBN = {80-227-2542-0} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bischoff06a, AUTHOR = {A.Bischoff}, TITLE = {M-Learning with Remotely Operated Laboratories}, BOOKTITLE = {7th International Conference 'Virtual University' VU'06}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = DEC, ADDRESS = {Bratislava, Slovak Republic}, PAGES = {146-148}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/bischoff_m-Learning_vu2006_final.pdf}, ISBN = {80-227-2542-0} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bischoff06b, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {Podcast based m-Learning with Pediaphon - A Web based Text-to-Speech nterface for the free Wikipedia Encyclopedia}, BOOKTITLE = {7th International Conference 'Virtual University' VU'06}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = DEC, ADDRESS = {Bratislava, Slovak Republic}, PAGES = {173-176}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/bischoff_Pediaphon_vu2006_final.pdf}, ISBN = {80-227-2542-0} }
@BOOK{bischoff06z, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {Virtual Reality und Streaming-Technologien in der Web-basierten multimedialen Lehre und f{\"u}r Ubiquitous Computing}, PUBLISHER = {Books on Demand}, YEAR = {2006}, ADDRESS = {Norderstedt}, ISBN = {3-8334-6066-0} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bischoff07a, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {{CONTEXT-AWARE MOBILE LEARNING WITH PEDIAPHON - A TEXT-TO-SPEECH INTERFACE TO THE FREE WIKIPEDIA ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR CELL PHONES AND MP3-PLAYERS}}, BOOKTITLE = {IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2007}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = JUL, PUBLISHER = {IADIS Press}, ADDRESS = {Lisbon, Portugal,}, EDITOR = {Inmaculada Arnedillo S{\'a}nchez}, PAGES = {228-232}, ORGANIZATION = {IADIS}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/pediaphon_iadis_mobile_learning_2007_camera_ready_short_pa.pdf}, ISBN = {978-972-8924-36-2} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bischoff07b, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {{The Pediaphon - Speech Interface to the free Wikipedia Encyclopedia for Mobile Phones, PDA’s and MP3-Players}}, BOOKTITLE = {Eighteenth International workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = SEP, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer society}, ADDRESS = {Regensburg, Germany}, EDITOR = {A. M. Tjoa, R.R Wagner}, PAGES = {575-579}, ORGANIZATION = {DEXA}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/bischoff_pediaphon_uwsi2007_final.pdf}, ISBN = {0-7695-2932-1} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{Bischoff07c, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {{Ortsbezogene Wikipedia Sprachdienste f{\"u}r Mobiltelefone und PDAs}}, BOOKTITLE = {4. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespr{\"a}ch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste}, YEAR = {2007}, MONTH = SEP, PUBLISHER = {Verlag Dr. Hut}, ADDRESS = {M{\"u}nchen}, EDITOR = {Roth, K{\"u}pper, Linnhoff-Popien}, PAGES = {71-75}, ORGANIZATION = {GI/ITG KuVS}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff_ortsbezogene_Anwendungen_u_Dienste_2007.pdf}, ISBN = {978-3-89963-591-1} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{gerke07c, AUTHOR = {M. Gerke and I.Mas{\'a}r and A. Bischoff}, TITLE = {Practical Education of Control Systems Engineers in a Virtual University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic,}, BOOKTITLE = {8th International Conference ’Virtual University’ VU’07 }, YEAR = 2007, MONTH = DEC, ADDRESS = {Bratislava, Slovak Republic}, PAGES = {30-36}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/fernuni_invitedtalk_abstract-1.pdf}, ISBN = {978-80-89316-09-0} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{bis2008a, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {m-learning, mobile experimentation and telepresence with cell phones and PDAs}, ABSTRACT = {Abstract-Mobile devices such as notebooks and PDAs are very interesting tools for web-based teaching and distant teaching today. We have adapted Web-based remote laboratory environments to mobile devices like PDAs and smartphones to remotely control a Pioneer 3 AT mobile robot.}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV2008}, YEAR = {2008}, MONTH = JUN, PUBLISHER = {Kassel University Press}, ADDRESS = {Duesseldorf, Germany}, EDITOR = {Michael E. Auer, Reinhard Langmann}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/rev2008_bischoff_oo_3.pdf}, ISBN = {978-3-89958-352-6} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{bis2008b, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {LOCATION BASED CELL PHONE ACCESS TO THE WIKIPEDIA ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR M-LEARNING}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/INTERNET 2008}, YEAR = {2008}, MONTH = OCT, PUBLISHER = {IADIS Press}, ADDRESS = {Freiburg, Germany}, EDITOR = {Pedro Isaias, Miguel Babtista Nunes, Dirk Ifenthaler}, PAGES = {366-370}, ORGANIZATION = {IADIS}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/wwwinternet2008_final_short_paper.pdf}, ISBN = {978-972-8924-68-3} }
@ARTICLE{bis2009a, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {M-Learning, Mobile Experimentation and Telepresence with Cell Phones and PDAs}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies}, VOLUME = {3}, YEAR = {2009}, PAGES = {49-52}, MONTH = JAN, NUMBER = {1}, PUBLISHER = {ISSN: 1865-7923}, URL = {http://online-journals.org/i-jim/article/view/703/771} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{oad2011, AUTHOR = {Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {Dienste f{\"u}r Smartphones an Universit{\"a}ten - ein plattformunabh{\"a}ngiges Augmented Reality Campus-Informationssystem f{\"u}r iPhone und Android-Smartphones}, BOOKTITLE = {8. GI/KuVS-Fachgespr{\"a}ch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste}, YEAR = {2011}, MONTH = SEP, PUBLISHER = {Logos Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, EDITOR = {Martin Werner, J{\"o}rg Roth}, PAGES = {127-135}, ISBN = {978-3-8325-3041-9}, URL = {http://www.dr-bischoff.de/research/pdf/Bischoff_OAD2011_final2.pdf} }
@INPROCEEDINGS{DC2003, AUTHOR = {Christof R{\"o}hrig, Andreas Bischoff}, TITLE = {Web-based Environment for Collaborative Remote Experimentation}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, YEAR = {2003}, MONTH = DEC, PAGES = {2514-2518}, ORGANIZATION = {IEEE}, ISBN = {0-7803-7924-1 } }
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