Online help for the Euler angles visualization module
This tool provides an easy interface to
test the behavior of the rotation transformation with Euler Angles.
To animate the visualization of the Euler
angles, type in the angles alpha beta and gamma in the following form and click the "go" icon. Then the displayed letter will rotate until the alpha, beta and gamma angle are reached. Please do not interrupt the webbrowser during the animation (this means, do not surf away or reload). Due to an error in the EAI (see the FAQ) implementation/specification your browser may be crash in this case. |
these 3-D-VRML-models your Web-browser needs a VRML-plugin, please take
a look at the download section.
If you still have problems take a look at the FAQ section.
If you need some help for
the usage of the cosmoplayer (if you use this plugin) just click on the help button at the right
side of the cosmoplayer window. A browser windows with usefull information
will be opened.