FernUni / FB ET+IT / PRT / Andreas Bischoff

Andreas Bischoff HOMEPAGE

Andreas (C) Heike

Andreas WINDOWS CE stuff:

NEW: A page dedicated to my new toy a CE 2.11 based Jornada 680! In 2001 I bought an used Ericsson MC 16 ( == HP360lx ) palmtop device. My idea was to get a palmtop (keyboard!) device without a color-display (battery life) with a web browser. Unfortunately it is based on Windows CE 2.01 (SH3, handheld). Most of  today's CE-Software needs CE >= 2.11 because the old SDK's are not available anymore :-( Since I believe in open source software this is not really a problem :-)

This is WRONG the SDK is still available at http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/developer/downloads/hpcsdk.asp (I'm tired about these URL-updates, but the the new one is static, no dull ASP-stuff, hopefully consisting for a longer time, maybe forgotten to be removed ;-) http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/8/3/383f3cc5-98de-478f-8e07-02d06839d3e3/mplatsdk.exe (Cut and paste it, no link to MS ;-)

Update: hpcfactor.com still hosts a Handheld PC 2.0 SDK (for HP360lx) and also the Handheld PC Professional 3.0 SDK (for Jornada 680) (Thanks to Chris for providing the links :-)


OpenSSH 2.9p2

Rainer Keuchel has ported a lot of nice open source tools to WINCE, unfortunately no Openssh port is available for older CE-versions. If your device is >= CE 2.11 goto Rainers original port .

My port is based on Rainers sources, it should work on all SH3 based  HPC devices with WINCE2.0 2.01 and 2.10 :

openssh-wince-sh3-hpc-wce200.zip  (Installation)(CELIB is needed) The included MSVCRT.DLL is also needed (for my machine [Ericsson MC16, German edition] if there is already a MSVCRT.DLL in your Windows-dir DON'T replace it!!!), copy it to the WINDOWS directory like CELIB.DLL. SCP.EXE and SFTP.EXE are included.
Detailed intructions for installation can be found here, please refer the "Registry"-section of Rainers Console docs too. It is a little bit weird, you have to do some registry settings too, especially UNIXROOTDIR must be setup. The files "$UNIXROOTDIR/etc/passwd" and "<samepath>services" must exist. The "services"-file must contain an entry for ssh on port 22. The "passwd"-file  must contain an entry for root, uid 0. This is only used to look up the home directory.

NEW: An untested MIPS-version (HPC=handheld PC) is also available: openssh-wince-mips-hpc-wce200.zip
. It works at least with a Phillips Nino 300 Pocket PC (CE 2.0, German-Version, the included MSVCRT.DLL is also needed for this kind of machine, see the included readme)

My examples "passwd" and "services". 

UPDATE: Al Wong has created very detailed installation instructions (Thanks)!

The hole sourcetree (I am to lazy for the diffs, sorry !12mb!) , the CELIB sources are also required!

Netcat 4 wince

Netcat is the extremely useful network swiss army knife. It is a nice command line tool and usable for a quick portscan, it reads and writes data across network connections and so on. For users who don't like command line unix-like tools (I like this stuff ;-) the very useful vxUtil (very useful but not as flexible as netcat, highly recommended freeware, should be installed on every networked WINCE-device) may be an option too.
The original UNIX version  was released in 1996 by hobbit and ported to windows by Chris Wysopal in 1998 (see @stake inc). My WINCE port is based on the Windows sources and is supported by Rainer Keukels CELIB and  his great W32Console(NOT required, but recommended for scripting) tool. You will find some nice netcat tutorials in the UNIX and windows readme's (and of course, my readme is hopefully not completely useless ;-) . There is also a nice netcat tutorial by Tom Armstrong available. The sh3 wince 2.00 version also needs MSVCRT.DLL for the console (copy it to the WINDOWS directory like CELIB.DLL).


The wince netcat behaviour is a little bit different than the win32 one. If it is not listener ('-l') the '-v' option is required. UDP and piping are currently untested. UPDATE: UDP works at least on CE 2.11


netcat-wince-src.zip(nmake works unfortunately a little bit strange, 4 times 'nmake /makefile.ce all' required )


CPU-PLATFORM-WINCE_VERSION CELIB (now included in the zip archive) Device Status(please drop me a note if it works on your device, andreas.bischoff(AT-sign)fernuni-hagen.de)
netcat-wince-sh3-hpc-wce200.zip HP360lx, Ericsson MC16 tested and working!
netcat-wince-sh3-hpc-wce211.zip HP Jornada 680 690 tested and working! 
currently untested 
netcat-wince-arm-pocket-wce300.zip (take this one, if you are not sure, it also works on WM2003, WM5, WM6)
IPAQ3630,Trium Mondo, Dell Axim, Sierra Wireless VOQ, HTC Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone
tested, works at least with PocketPC 2000 and PocketPC 2002, should run on all newer CE4.0 (Pocket PC 2003) XScale -based PocketPC Windows Mobile devices too! Yes, it works with my new Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone (Sierra VOQ) too (As expected also working with Windows Mobile 5)!!! 
JVC MP-C33 (JVC-Victor Interlink MP-C303)
runs on a JVC MP-C33 (JVC-Victor Interlink MP-C303) 
currently untested 
currently untested 


Just copy the (now included) celib.dll to your windows dir and the nc.exe to any dir. A double tab to nc.exe opens a window which prompts for the options (no backspaces, I am sorry :-). Example: Try the Cmd line: -v -t unixboxname 23
and voila, netcat acts as a simple telnet tool! See the includes readme files for more options. For more interesting usage a console-tool like Rainer Keukels great w32console is recommended. If you don't use a console on a PocketPC device please read the Netcat review at irongeek. All Netcat output will be written to nc-stdout.txt and nc-stderr.txt in the Netcat directory without a console.

Have fun


( for the bots: netcat openssh 2.9p2 ssh WINCE 2.0 2.01 2.10 SH3 HPC HP360lx Ericsson MC16 freeware open source free software )
